Archive for the ‘County Government’ Category

NIMBYs (oh and McCain Wins again)

January 30, 2008

So let me get this straight, you buy (or more likely build) a house in the Town of Lisbon near Halqusit Stone which has been there forever (ok only since 1929) and now you want to block them from expanding? If you didn’t want to live near a quarry why did you buy a house there? You had to know that they couldn’t dig in the same hole forever. Its the same as the people who move out to the country and then complain about the smells coming from the farm next door (then they complain when that farm is sold and developed too). Lets hope the County Board doesn’t undermine the wishes of the town board, which supports the expansion.

I am not sure how he did it by John McCain is on a roll. I have heard a lot of conservatives say that they will never support McCain but I don’t believe them. If given a choice between Hillary or McCain they are going to vote for McCain.

Ok so it was windy and cold last night, but it was hardly the storm we were led to believe it would be. Another weather story sensationalized by the media.